Round II: The Film Sequel Podcast
We celebrate the magical feeling of returning for the sequel.
Round II: The Film Sequel Podcast
#23: My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
We take our quirks to Nabu Island to discuss a superhero anime sequel, My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising. We talk behind-the-scenes stories, pros, cons, and, of course, the sequel test.
My special guest for today's episode is Liam Quane. He is a filmmaker, screenwriter, and author. You can find him online at the following:
- Facebook & Vero: Liam Quane
- X: https://x.com/spec_arc
- Email: specificityarchives@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.specificityarchives.com/
- Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/21128416.Liam_Quane
- Road to Juneau novel: https://www.amazon.com/Road-Juneau-Liam-Quane-ebook/dp/B08V51WV9M/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2DADQJEI2UQTA&keywords=road+to+juneau+novel&qid=1676003117&sprefix=road+to+juneau+novel%2Caps%2C327&sr=8-1
You can find me online at the following:
- Vero: Daryn Kirscht
- X: https://x.com/Daryn_Kirscht
- Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/KalElOfGotham/
- Website: https://www.oakvalleymediallc.com/
- Email: oakvalleymediallc@gmail.com
Round II: The Film Sequel
- X: https://x.com/RoundIIPodcast
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoundIIPodcast
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RoundIIPodcast
- Website: https://roundiithefilmsequel.buzzsprout.com/
- IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26424983/?ref_=ttep_ep_tt
Special thanks to Geraldo Cortes for composing the intro and outro theme music for the podcast and Tom Gehrke for the podcast cover art. All sound effects are courtesy of ZapSplat. The sequel test music is "Mysterious Strange Things" by Yung Logos on YouTube.